Real meaning of “slowing down”
Ever since I’ve started on spiritual journey, many animals, natures, psychic readers, etc. told me to “slow down.” I always interpreted that to be sort of like “drop what you are doing and go drink a cup of tea and meditate…”
I got a couple of messages of slowing down from multiple different sources yesterday, one of them a cat. So I started to really question what that message is because I truly believe I am doing the right thing at the current moment. And I am taking it easy and taking things slower than I’d really like to move…
So I meditated on it because I really wanted to find out what this message mean to me. I was confused as to why I keep getting this message… Am I doing the wrong thing? Do I need to take a trip to Hawaii and sit at the beach? Am I headed to the wrong direction even though I thought I found a life’s calling and going 100% toward that?
Here’s the message I got from the universe…
Look at what children do
Do children slow down? No. They take their entire energy and do what they love to do and crash when tired. Then rinse and repeat. My dog, Mig who I always learn my life’s lessons from, is the same way and she is always happy. She doesn’t appear to be ever be tired…
What they do differently from us is that they do only what they want to do. They question what they don’t want to do and “slow down” when they are forced to doing what they don’t want to do. So you can tell what they like to do and not like to do very easily. Observe that because children are operating in the most efficient way in a sense… Doing what you really, truly love, until your body cannot handle it and take a rest… You should not feel tired this way…
Slowing down does not mean sitting idle
Slowing down does not mean that you stop. The reason why you might be told to slow down may have nothing to do with physical movement but a lot to do with what you are doing, maybe going the wrong direction…
Are you sure you are doing the activity that leads to your life’s calling? Do you even know what your calling is? If you don’t know where you are headed, you are just running around in circles.
Focus on only a few things that is most important at a time
Even though there are many “todo” list to achieve your dreams, you can/should only do one thing at a time. Make sure, you are focused on a few things that gets you there and not wasting doing busy work.
Given this, I feel OK to keep going for my current situation. It may not be the right thing for you and perhaps you do need to stop and re-evaluate, so be sure to dig deep and ask yourself…
If I heard the universe wrong, I am sure I get told sooner rather than later. I’ll let you know if I do but I am at peace with the message and what I am doing about it now…
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