Everybody is right
I see on local news lately about a guy who was concerned about his workers because a guy was acting suspicious so he called 911. He is now coined a racist because the suspicious guy was black. People are up and arms about it. I don’t join these types of activities because I normally don’t know both sides of the story. How can I support one side or another if I don’t know what happened exactly? I am not willing to join any activity that could potentially ruin someone’s life based on assumptions and second hand stories…
Whenever there is a conflict, I try to start by saying “they are both right” and find out what’s the disconnect that is occurring that causes disturbance. Often those stories I see on media are so one-sided that I cannot agree to either side of the stories. If I care enough, I’d say I’ll try to find that out but I am not willing to spend that time. I’m being brutally honest. I feel it is a bit more than I can chew, so I work on things I can chew which is animal communication.
When communicating with animals, start with “everybody is right”
When the owners come to me for animal communications, I often hear “animal is doing such and such and I want it to stop” or “Animal is dying, what can I do to stop them from dying.” for an extreme case. Well, those are questions I, myself, asked at one time or another…
To me, this is only one side of the story. This is owner’s side of the story. What I try to do when I connect with animals is to hear both sides of the story and seek a path that can be agreeable for both parties.
Provided, I’m not a “pro” who has been doing this for many years, but this is how I’ve operated my whole life as a human to a degree. When my friend comes to me with a problem or question, I typically don’t say much… I hear them out and often they come up with their own answer. In other words, I’m a good listener. I haven’t been “awaken” until recently to expand this what I have been doing throughout my whole life to other spices, but all what I’m doing is re-applying what I already have been doing all along.
Oh, don’t take me wrong, I’m no perfect. When I have an opinion (which I have plenty), I may go against my own advise and start thinking “I’m right.” But I know that typically don’t end well…
You hear what you want to hear
I’m not blogging about this to say “I’m right” here. I’m just sharing an opinion that is mine. However there are two mentalities you can read this message with. One is to think it is right, one is to think it is wrong. And I think you can replace “right” with “coming from a place of love”…
If you formed an opinion of “this is wrong,” then this is wrong because that’s what you decided to hear. I hope you are aware that you can pretty much make everything wrong because you can find flaws in anything. And your communications will be dedicated to “make what’s wrong to be right.” However if you think “this is right,” you will be able to compare with “your truth” and delighted to find common view and curious to find out why their opinion differs from yours. And if you think it is coming from a place of love, you would be open to receive.
Nothing is wrong, everything is a lesson, and labeling is an excuse to avoid the lesson
When you hear the truth, it hurts sometimes. I feel we label things when we are not willing to be open to the great lesson it is providing us. Take the example I mentioned earlier. It is so much easier to say “this is racism” because that takes you out of the story. You no longer need to take responsibilities in what you say and do.
If we don’t label the problem, you have to do a lot to find out the source of the problem if you want to form an opinion. Perhaps they both had a bad day. Perhaps, indeed, race was a factor. Perhaps, perhaps…?
Look into yourself, the answer lies within
When you feel resistance or find yourself arguing with someone, look into yourself. It is typically a manifestation of your fear or unresolved issues. I try to meditate on anything that bothers me nowadays. During these mediations, I realize that perhaps the person is exhibiting characteristics that I don’t like but I have it. So he or she reminds me the part of me that I don’t like. Or the event is bringing back memories of unresolved conflict or issues that I have to deal with myself.
Whatever the issue is, when doing animal communication, leave those at home. Be open to messages and be curious about what the universe is telling you. And if you find out the lesson within (which you will), go home and work on it. Then rinse and repeat…
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