The 4th of July is fast approaching. I saw on the news that people are setting off more fireworks early this year, probably to blow off the steam of being at home all the time. I wrote this blog to help animals by teaching their humans ways to address the fear of fireworks. First of…
Communication with Viruses
Those of you who understand the physics know that we are all just energy. You, me, our animals, even tables are just made up of atoms and molecules vibrating at certain frequencies. Just like you can see, feel, smell, etc. to know that you are different from animals, we can do that same by feeling…
Death is the ultimate mode of healing
As a healer, I am always learning to better my effectiveness to heal myself and others, humans, animals, plants alike. A recent conversation with a dog made me think about healing in a new light. The profound message I received said, “healing comes in many forms. Sometimes it may not look like the person or…
Rainbow meditation with a tree
It has been an emotional couple of months at my household… The day I returned from Japan after saying good-bye to my father at the hospital, we got a phone call that my husband’s biological father was ill. He passed away the next day… This was a total shock to us. Two weeks later, my…
Meditation to let go ~rock version~
It seems that my theme this week is rock. Rock is talking to me very strongly this week, first through my dog who normally carry wooden sticks suddenly deciding to carry a huge rock (over 3 inch diameter) during our walk. And during the same walk, one another rock spoke to me and I was…
Protection mirror lets you shine brighter
Original conversation: 12/7/18 When I talk with animals, they often send me lessons that can also help me as well as their humans because these communications are typically reflection of my challenges as well. A cat I was communicating with showed me that she is being in the shadow of her human’s light. She has…