The 4th of July is fast approaching. I saw on the news that people are setting off more fireworks early this year, probably to blow off the steam of being at home all the time. I wrote this blog to help animals by teaching their humans ways to address the fear of fireworks. First of…
Communication with Viruses
Those of you who understand the physics know that we are all just energy. You, me, our animals, even tables are just made up of atoms and molecules vibrating at certain frequencies. Just like you can see, feel, smell, etc. to know that you are different from animals, we can do that same by feeling…
Death is the ultimate mode of healing
As a healer, I am always learning to better my effectiveness to heal myself and others, humans, animals, plants alike. A recent conversation with a dog made me think about healing in a new light. The profound message I received said, “healing comes in many forms. Sometimes it may not look like the person or…
What is “crossing over?”
This lesson is for those of you who already believe in “oneness”… If you are not there yet, this concept might be hard to receive. And even those who believe in oneness, this might be bit of a shift in mindset. I hope you read it with curiosity. If this doesn’t resonate with you, then…
Real meaning of “slowing down”
Ever since I’ve started on spiritual journey, many animals, natures, psychic readers, etc. told me to “slow down.” I always interpreted that to be sort of like “drop what you are doing and go drink a cup of tea and meditate…” I got a couple of messages of slowing down from multiple different sources yesterday,…
Intention, Guide, and Navigation System
It’s been a while since I last blogged. I have been continuing with my spiritual journey and growth. Every lesson I encounter can be a blog topic on its own but timing hasn’t been right thus far. This morning, as I was driving to a dog training class, something came to me… I realized setting…